Archives: Videos

Aug 27, 2021

Partnering with Sparq – A Better Experience

Sparq is committed to helping clients accelerate their digital transformation journey, while helping to create high-quality IT careers in places where they otherwise might not have existed. Organizations turn to Sparq because we understand their motivations, integrate seamlessly with their team and, quite simply, make it an easy experience from start to finish. Learn how our colleagues work together to become a trusted partner to all of our clients.

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Jul 14, 2021

Mind Mapping for Agile Development

Mind mapping is a method of visually organizing information and for Principal Business Analyst John Moore, he uses it to define the scope and relationships surrounding any new project. In this Tech in 2, John shares three reasons why mind mapping is so useful, especially in an Agile environment.

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Jun 23, 2021

Ninety Client Showcase

Ninety is a SaaS company with an expanding collection of Cloud-based business building and awareness tools. Hear Ninety Founder & CEO Mark Abbott discuss the value he’s gained from partnering with Sparq and how having access to scalable and flexible talent has helped their rapidly-expanding business.

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Jun 17, 2021

Getting Alignment Through Visualization

Many software development teams have been there: you’re walking through a user story and thought everyone was on the same page, but then you get to the code review and it’s not what you were expecting. Learn how diagramming can help teams understand problems better.

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May 26, 2021

Key Performance Indicators: Tips For Getting it Right

When it comes to measuring a software development team’s success, key performance indicators (KPIs) play a very important role. In this Tech in 2, Regional Colleague Director Natascha Thomas explains how to determine the right KPIs for your audiences along with challenges to avoid when gathering data.

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May 13, 2021


By utilizing containerization, you're able to create isolated environments where your code can run without interference from other system elements. Senior Consultant Joseph Abreu discusses how it works, the types of tasks it’s best suited for and how it’ll make your code more secure.

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May 7, 2021

Tech Trends Part 2 – Machine Learning

For the second part in this series, Monty Hamilton tackles machine learning. We’ve seen a significant increase in opportunities to utilize machine learning over the past year and that will only grow. In this week’s #MinuteWithMonty, Monty tackles machine learning—where it is and where it is going.

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Mar 17, 2021

Akka Reactive Streams

In this Tech in 2, Senior Consultant Josh Mayfield discusses the benefits of Akka Reactive Streams, a customizable set of protocols that can be utilized to increase the performance of your applications.

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