Case Study

Accelerating Growth for Leading Manufacturing Company


Modernize for Tomorrow: Overcoming Manual Processes to Sustain Ongoing Growth

Tanis Brush, a leading manufacturer of industrial and abrasive brushes, faced a critical challenge in its quoting processes. Relying on manual methods, the company encountered inefficiencies that threatened to impede its growth targets. Tanis Brush worked in a decentralized system and manual quoting system, resulting in longer processing times. This manual approach not only hindered the company’s ability to swiftly respond to customer demands but also posed a significant obstacle to its future scalability. Recognizing the need for a strategic overhaul, Tanis sought a product-minded development partner to transform its quoting process.


Elevating Efficiency: Harnessing the Power of a Windows Application Integrated with a Robust SQL Database

We initiated our project with a comprehensive product discovery phase, harnessing the expertise of a dedicated Product Strategist and Architect. We transitioned into the build phase, implementing our insights to create a tailored solution aligned with Tanis’s unique needs and goals. Our solution involved developing a Windows application that seamlessly integrated with Global Shop Solutions, the client’s existing platform responsible for retrieving pricing and routing data. This application helped create and store quotes, ensuring rapid access when needed. Additionally, we implemented a comprehensive database system to centralize and manage all required information. This database not only enabled accurate reporting but also promoted consistency in pricing and standardized processes across the organization.


From Days to a Day: Revolutionizing Quote Turnaround Time

Our custom-built architecture and infrastructure will enable Tanis to streamline their quote provision process, cutting processing time by up to 85%. This efficiency boost not only fuels further growth but also translates into tangible revenue gains for the company.

I look at our relationship with Sparq as a great partnership. They did a phenomenal job understanding our situation and building a foundation for what was needed from the start.

— Dave Schill, Chief Operations Officer at Tanis Brush
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