
Our Mission in Action: Brandon Avant

Our guiding force at Sparq is our mission: to create high-quality technology jobs in Middle America cities where talent is often overlooked. Our Mission in Action showcases Sparq colleagues who represent how this mission impacts individuals and the communities in which we operate.

As he was entering his senior year as a computer science student at Arkansas State University, Brandon Avant was looking for an internship that would set the tone for the rest of his career. He’d already spent much of his childhood educating himself on the latest in technology, so he wanted an employer that would support his passion for lifelong learning. After meeting with Sparq and connecting with our mission and his potential colleagues, he decided to join our Junior Associate program as a programmer analyst.

The opportunity to grow

Ten years later Brandon is now a successful Principal Consultant and Technical Lead where he’s worked with clients in many industries, including agriculture, medical, and transportation. He says that being at Sparq has given him many opportunities to grow his professional skillset, and has enjoyed being able to mentor younger colleagues. Brandon shares, “Ever since I was a child, I’ve been interested in software development; I consider designing and writing code more of a hobby and less of a job, which is why I write software during my personal time as well. My career here at Sparq has allowed me to take what I enjoy and make a career out of it; for that, I would like to thank Sparq.”

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