There was a long time when the user was king. User experience is where all the budgets went and everything was focused and people thought that if you put together a good user experience, everything else will fall into place but what happened is as a result of that is people were neglecting everything that was happening outside of the application. They weren’t thinking about how they were communicating with those users when the users weren’t focused on screens and as a result, things started to fall off and you’d start seeing more attrition, less consumer loyalty and fewer people focused on what you were doing in that company relationship, which is why the pendulum is now swinging in the other direction and people are thinking more about the consumer experience and what is that brand relationship like.
The Right Balance
You can have the best user experience in the world but when something hiccups, if they get outside of that and they fail on the service side, your customers aren’t going to stay with you. Conversely, you can have an amazing structure of customer service but if the application itself isn’t intuitive and doesn’t work well, they’re never going to get to that customer experience aspect.
Create a CX Map
So where does the money go? The first step is understand what the CX of your company is, draw a map if you need to draw a map, what are all the touch points that we have with our customer along the way and that includes sales at the beginning and signups as well as tech support.
Talk to Your Users
Conversely, look at your user experience, talk to your users, understand what they feel like when they’re using your application and slowly but surely little red dots will start to appear and help you know where to focus on and where the fires are. Look at the metrics, look at what your retention rates are, look at what your click-through rates are and figure out who needs more of your attention at that time, because things work best when they’re working together
zSpace Client Showcase
zSpace is a tech company that provides immersive learning experiences using virtual and augmented reality. In this client showcase, Jill Donnelly, Director of Strategic Initiatives at zSpace, discusses why they chose to work with Sparq (after interviewing over 20 potential partners!) and how invaluable our "team perspective" has been to their organization.
AI in UX
For Principal Consultant and UX Design Lead Joe Dallacqua, how to utilize AI in UX is a conversation he’s having every day. In this Tech in 2, Joe shares three ways he’s seeing AI help UX designers become not only more efficient, but more creative as well.
Personalization in Insurance
With so much data at their fingertips, insurers have an exciting opportunity to create a more personalized customer experience. In this Tech in 2, Client Partner John Suminski discusses how when data and the right technologies come together, this synergy can create highly personalized products and pricing.
BellXcel Client Showcase
BellXcel is a nationally-recognized nonprofit that empowers youth program providers with innovative solutions, services and resources that create meaningful impact. Learn how we partnered to build key functionality for the Arly platform, which has successfully reached over 100,000 scholars.